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Call: 719.630.7664
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For quick assistance, give us a call during business hours.
828 A East Fillmore St.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907
Click on the Google Map or follow the directions below:
From Interstate 25: Exit Fillmore Street (#145). Head east, passing Nevada, Stone, El Paso, and Prospect. Look for the prominent Full Spectrum sign on your left just beyond Arcadia St. Turn left into the Fillmore Center driveway, located between H&R Block and Pizza Hut.
From Academy Blvd: head west on Constitution Ave. Continue until you reach N. Union Blvd. Turn right (North) onto Union, then left (West) onto E. Fillmore St. Drive past Hancock, Illinois, and Virginia. Just beyond Institute St., you'll spot the red roof of Pizza Hut on your right. Turn into the parking lot situated between Pizza Hut and H&R Block.
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